
      Lemma 26.1

Let G(V,E) be a flow network with source s and sink t, and let f be a flow in G.

Let Gf be the residual network of G induced by f, and let f' be a flow in Gf.

(f ↑ f') = f(u,v) + f'(u,v) - f'(v,u)

Then |f ↑ f'| = |f| + |f'|

      Corollary 26.3

Let G(V,E) be a flow network with source s and sink t, and let f be a flow in G.

Let p be an augmenting path in Gf.

Let fp be defined as:

    fp(u,v) = cf(p)     if (u,v) is on p

    fp(u,v) = 0 otherwise.

Then the function f ↑ fp is a flow in G with value |f ↑ fp| = |f ↑| + |fp| > |f|

      Lemma 26.4

Let G(V,E) be a flow network with source s and sink t, and let f be a flow in G.

Let (S,T) be any cut of G. Then the netflow across (S,T) is f(S,T) = |f|

      Corollary 26.5

Let G(V,E) be a flow network with source s and sink t, and let f be a flow in G.

|f| is bounded from above by any c(S,T)       Comp150-ALG-Summer2020