Edmonds-Karp Algorithm

      Basic of Edmonds-Karp

Edmonds-Karp Algorithm finds the augmenting path with BFS.

Which means if we regard each edge as unit distance, we always pick the shortest path from s to t.


for each edge (u,v) ∈ G.E

    (u,v).f = 0

while we can BFS a shortest path p from s to t in the residual network Gf

    cf(p) = min{ cf(u,v) : (u,v) is in p }

    for each edge (u,v) in p

        if (u,v) ∈ E

            (u,v).f = (u,v).f + cf(p)

        else (u,v).f = (u,v).f - cf(p)

      Demo of Edmonds-Karp

Try the Algorithm here

Graph G with flow


Residual Network


      Runtime of Edmonds-Karp

It is possible to prove that the runtime of Edmonds-Karp is O(VE²)

Notation: Define δf(u,v) for the shortest-path distance from u to v in Gf, where each edge has unit distance

Lemma 26.7: For all vertices v ∈ V - {s,t} the shortest-path distance δf(s,v) in residual network increases monotonically with each flow augmentation


Proof Suppose for sake of contradiction that for some vertex v ∈ V - {s,t} there is a flow augmentation that causes the shortest path distance to decrease.

Let f be the flow just before the augmentation, f' be the one afterwards.

Let v be the vertex with minimum δf '(s,v) in the set of vertices whose distance was decreased

so that δf '(u,v) < δf(u,v)


Let p = s ∼ u → v be a shortest path from s to v in Gf',

so that (u,v) ∈ Ef', and δf '(s,u) = δf '(s,v) - 1


Because we chose v to have the minimum δf '(s,v) in those decreased,

It is not possible that u has a smaller δf '(s,u) and it is decreased

And we know s ∼ u → v is a shortest path, thus s ∼ u is also a shortest path which is shorter than s ∼ v.

So if δ(s,u) is decreased, we will have a vertex whose distance was decreased, and also δf '(s,u) < δf '(s,v)

Which contradicts with how we chose v as the minimum one.

Since δf '(s,u) ≤ δf '(s,v) must be true, the explaination to avoid contradiction is that δ(s,u) doesn't decrease

Which means δf '(s,u) ≥ δf (s,u)


We claim that (u,v) not in Ef. Suppose for sake of contradiction, (u,v) is in E

δf(s,v) ≤ δf (s,u) + 1

          ≤ δf '(s,u) + 1

          = δf '(s,v)

Which contradicts the assumption that δf '(s,v) < δf(s,v)


Now we know (u,v) is not in Ef but in Ef'

Which means this edge appears after the augmentation.

This can only happen when the flow from v to u is previously 0 but increased.

Beause Edmonds-Karp always pick the shortest path to augment, so the shortest path from s to u in Gf has (v,u) as last edge

Therefore, δf(s,v) = δf(s,u) - 1

                            ≤ δf '(s,u) - 1

                            = δf '(s,v) - 2

Which contradicts the assumption that δf '(s,v) < δf(s,v)


Thus we conclude our assumption that such a vertex v exists.

And because the smallest one doesn't exist, such vertex that decrease all not exist. Thus the distance cannot decrease.

Lemma 26.8: The total number of flow augmentations performed by the algorithm is O(VE)

Proof We define an edge (u,v) in residual network as critical on an augmenting path p,

if the residual capacity of p is the residual capacity of (u,v)

That is cf(p) = cf(u,v)

After we augmented flow along an augmenting path, any critical edge on the path disappears from the residual network

And also, at least one edge on path p must be critical

We will show that each of the |E| edges can become critical at most |V|/2 times


Let u and v be vertices in V with edge (u,v)

When edge (u,v) is critical for the first time, since we always augment the shortest path, we have:

δf(s,v) = δf(s,u) + 1

And (u,v) disappears in the residual network.

And it cannot reappear until the flow from u to v is decreased, which occurs when (v,u) appears

Suppose f' is the flow after (u,v) reappear and (v,u) appears, we have:

δf '(s,u) = δf '(s,v) + 1


Since δf(s,v) ≤ δf '(s,v) by Lemma 26.7, we have:

δf '(s,u) = δf '(s,v) + 1

            ≥ δf(s,v) + 1

            = δf(s,u) + 2

This means, between the first and next time (u,v) become critical, the distance from s to u increase by at least 2

The distance between s and u is initially 0, and cannot exceed |V|-2 since u is not s or t

Thus it can be critical for at mist |V|-2/2 = |V|/2 -1 times before it is unreachable

Since there're O(E) number of verices, the total number of possible critical edges in all the time is O(VE)       Comp150-ALG-Summer2020